A - Attitude: A close runner-up is the word avoid because of all the things we can do to damage our health, but a positive mental attitude is crucial.
B - Brush: A close runner-up is buckle as car accidents continue to happen, but brush covers hair and body dry-brush as well as dental health.
C - Cardio: A runner up is cholesterol, as the cardio system is too crucial to not have a habit developed with diet and exercise for the whole system.
D - Diet: The runner-ups of doctor and dentist care, while important, lost out to the importance of a balanced diet of the right quantity of the right things.
E - Exercise: Eating was a possible choice, but by far the most crucial part of health after diet is a comprehensive and regular exercise program.
F - Floss: Fasting can be good, followed by fiber but the benefit of flossing to avoid inflammation and infection made it the most important.
G - Glucosamine: Green tea is a popular addition to wellness, but glucosamine-chondroitin does so much to build healthy joints it was chosen.
H - Hydrate: I agree with experts that we don't drink enough, and despite the hydrating products on the market, 80+ oz. of daily water is the answer.
I - Immunity: Control of infection, inflammation and insulin are all crucial but the immune system health is by far the key to longevity.
J - Joints: Jump rope, jog or other activities could have been chosen but caring for and preventing damage to joints is crucial as we age.
K - Kissing: Kinetics might have been the choice, but despite the potential spread of germs, the emotional help kissing provides is important.
L - Learn: Laughing is also a possibility but constant learning will ward off diseases like Alzheimers and make life more interesting.
M - Movement: Moisturize was a close second and massage is a good idea but daily movement of all parts of the body keeps it young.
N - Nutrition: The change in food processing makes this more difficult now, but a balanced daily nutritional intake is very important.
O - Organic: Olive oil and outdoor time were other possibilities but food processing mentioned before make organic foods a growing need.
P - Posture: Prayer was a close second but wanted to get spinal health and chiropractic mentioned and proper posture is part of that.
Q - Quiet: Not only do loud noises injure the ears, but mentally we all need times of quiet. Try sitting in a wooded area alone and silent.
R - Relaxation: Running used to be a regular activity but a specific time set aside each day to do what you enjoy is key. I read newspapers.
S - Sleep: Stretching, skin care, and sex were potential subjects. Our bodies require 7 to 8 hours each night, and less shortens our longevity.
T - Talk: Conversations with people are part of wellness, and one of those conversations should be with your doctor about medical tests.
U - Ultraviolet: Excess UV rays can harm our skin and eyes but the daily absorption of sunlight for a controlled amount of time is required.
V - Vitamins: As food has less now, we need supplements to get all the vitamins required, especially "C". Vaccinations are also a good idea.
W - Walk: We've walked together most morning for 20+ years and the rhythmic walking motion can't be replicated with any other exercise.
X - X-rays: Even though too much can be bad, they're cheaper than an MRI and bone health is a key part of the immune system.
Y - Yoga: I've taken several classes and tend to forget the stretching movements, but flexibility is needed and yoga is the best at providing it.
Z - Zinc: Along with many other minerals, zinc is an important nutrient. My daughter bought me Z-Coil shoes and that was the only other "Z" I have.
There are other things we can do that were not mentioned, especially in a long list of what to avoid. Drugs including legal prescriptions, alcohol and tobacco, or at a minimum a massive reduction in their intake will have positive effects. Two years ago in the February 2006 blog I wrote about the requirement for a balanced life that considered the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental measurements. Stress is a modern phenomenon that can overwhelm us if life gets out of balance. In a nutshell, stress comes from what we do and what we think about. Added suggestions from Prevention magazine include singing, giving blood, gardening, weight training, completing random acts of kindness, and having a pet. Biblical mandates for Christians include 1st Corinthians 6: 19-20, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body". Romans 6:13 and 12:1 says "Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness. Therefore, I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship". Wellness isn't just a word, it's a lifestyle.
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