In about a month American voters will go to the polls and choose elected officials to represent them. The representative nature of our form of government is designed to prevent a single person or a small group of people from ruling over them against their will. The winners of each election are the candidates that received the most votes from the electorate. Every media outlet is ablaze with advertisements trying to convince voters about the good of a candidate or the bad of their competitor. In an ideal situation the informed electorate will take their personal and family situation into consideration, along with their societal perspective, and vote for the best candidate.
The preparation for this election began years ago by those in power. The process that is used to manipulate the electorate for acceptance of an agenda is called desensitization. The agenda, which might go against the public best interests, is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies by involving it within the plot, music videos that make it cool and sexy or the news media, who present it as a solution to today’s problems. After several years of exposing the electorate to a particular agenda, the powerful openly presents the concept the world. Due to the desensitization, it is often greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted.
The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so that the patient (the public in this case) is no longer troubled by a specific fear. People adapt to accepting frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough, says Steven Jacobson (Mind Control in the United States). A decade ago, the public was being desensitized to war against the Arab world. Look at the concepts everywhere in popular culture today to notice what the “endgame” is.
Manipulation occurs when a subject is forced to adapt in a series of tiny "invisible" steps. Each tiny step is designed to be sufficiently small so the subjects will not notice the changes in themselves or identify the coercive nature of the processes being used. The subjects of these tactics do not become aware of the hidden organizational purpose of the coercive psychological program until much later, if ever. These tactics are usually applied in a group setting by well intentioned but deceived "friends and allies" of the victim. Their critical thinking, values, ideas, attitudes, conduct and ability to reason are undermined instead being offered a rational and meaningful free choice.
On the fiscal front especially, the outrage expressed by those who have not been successfully manipulated is showing up at tea party rallies. Those that have been manipulated are at the point of desensitization that they don’t care. The results of this upcoming election will depend on how successful the manipulation has been, or how many desensitized voters show up at the polls. The title of this blog doesn’t mean I agree that manipulation is wise. People may be manipulated to do good things and make better choices, but it is very risky. It does mean that propaganda must be complete to succeed. Feelings, ideas, explanations, and incentives for action must be included.
If you do NOT want to be manipulated, there are some things to watch for: 1) A web of lies laid around so thick, that it warps reality for you and makes you fall victim to manipulation. The only way of saving yourself is to check for inconsistencies and recognizing bluff. 2) Emotional manipulation can force you into doing something that you would never do, if the things that you are emotionally invested in, are threatened. Prevent this from occurring. 3) Provoking through humiliation or contempt exposes your ego, so pause and wait if your next action is silly. 4) Momentary temptation and greed. When you like something to the point where you are addicted to it, it becomes your weakness. Be wary of temptations as they are manipulative traps waiting to be sprung on you. 5) Brainwashing occurs when the same thing is said over and over, resulting in your reason being over-ridden. Develop a filter of reason or you will eventually embrace it.
If you DO want to be manipulated, there are some things that you can do: 1) Listen to only one medium for your source of information. 2) Believe that the politicians you support want what is best for you and will represent your worldview. 3) Ignore any moral faults of your chosen candidates and explain them away as their “personal life”. 4) Stay as uninformed as possible about elections and politics so that you can spend your time in areas you prefer. 5) Believe that those who claim there is manipulation of the electorate are paranoid and just need to lighten up.
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