The political process in the United States of America has had exponential change. It has changed so much that I, as a self-described conservative, am writing this month on the wisdom of liberalism. First, let's define terms and see if the dictionary definition is different than what you imagine. The 1st definition listed under liberal is: having/expressing or following social or political views or policies that favor nonrevolutionary progress or reform. The 2nd definition listed under liberal is: having/expressing or following views or policies that favor freedom of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. The 3rd definition listed under liberal is: expressing or following a belief in LAISSEZ-FAIRE economic policies. I checked quickly to discover that LAISSEZ-FAIRE is the doctrine that government should not interfere with commerce. Since I'm sure our government needs to be reformed, and I favor freedom of the individual, and I'm sure the market is better than government regulation, it is obvious. Because of governmental changes I am now a Christian LIBERAL capitalist.
Conservatism is defined in the dictionary as the disposition in politics or culture to maintain the existing order. It involves the principles and practices of those who resist or oppose change or innovation. A conservative is averse to and distrustful of change, tending to favor the preservation of the existing order. When the existing order was similar to how it made sense to me, I was a conservative. Not any more. In the first 100 days of the Obama administration (actually the last 100 days of the Bush administration as well) the hope and change discussed in last year's campaign became the reality that has raised this concern. Liberty is the condition of not being subject to restriction or control and we have lost it. A libertarian is someone who believes in freedom of action and thought, especially for individuals. These folks are now referred to in the media as right wing extremists, but they are not conservative at all. The hope and change policies, government power grabs, and spending bills passed that my grandchildren will be saddled with over the past 200 days is mind numbing, and they want them changed.
Last month there were "tea parties" around the country on the day income taxes were due. Hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who thought they were conservatives only a few years ago were in favor of nonrevolutionary reform of government spending. They protested against the government taking over banks and auto companies (sounds like that LAISSEZ-FAIRE non-interference with commerce plan). They expressed concern that their constitutional right to bear arms might be further restricted. By now, a vast majority of you reading this recognize the wisdom of liberalism applies to an entirely new group of people than it did previously. What used to be thought of as left wing people now want even more change and progress with their agenda. That defines them as liberals since they don't want the status-quo either. There are very few conservatives anywhere in the United States because anyone at this point that does NOT want change is insane. We are now a country of right wing liberals and left wing liberals fighting for nonrevolutionary progress or reform, but polar opposites regarding what those reforms are. We all know it can't stay the way it is.
This month makes history as the longest recession in America since the Great Depression. The national debt is planned to increase as much as it has since the beginning of the country over 230 years ago. Unstable governments around the world have nuclear weapons. Pirates on the high seas attempt to take over our ships. We are at war in multiple countries with people we don't even have enough courage to call terrorists. Any disposition to maintain the existing order and resist change, a description of conservatism, is no longer acceptable. The battle is between differing ideologies of liberals who want reform. We can call them left and right for discussion purposes, or perhaps socialists and libertarians. The days of Democrats and Republicans are over, as the compromising of principles by leaders of both political parties have created the conditions we find ourselves in. The executive, legislative, and judicial balance set up by our founders to sustain us through periods such as this, are each conspiring against the populace for their own personal gain. It is past time to do battle, but how?
As regular readers of this blog know, the answer to all questions are found in the Bible. Lets refer to a few verses to determine the best approach for this situation. From Matthew we find Jesus saying: "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand....Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill....But go and learn what this means, I desire compassion and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners....Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand." From Mark we find His words: "These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. But in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men. Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the traditions of men... And what I say to you I say to all, Be on the alert". From Luke we get: "Beware, and be on guard against every from of greed; for not even when one has abundance does his life consist of his possessions.....You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you did not expect.....Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division.....For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted." It sounds to me like repentance is the first step we are to take individually and corporately.
Much has been written in the media about the demise of the religious right. The leaders such as Jerry Falwell and James Dobson are dead or retired. The policies they railed against are still law and more laws like them have been passed. Economic conservatives (the old meaning, not the new one) went along with their organizations to get Reagan elected in the 1980's but were not affected by their message of morality. Teaching morality or teaching ethics within the confines of political ideologies is bound to fail. We were all created by God and he yearns to develop relationships with us individually and corporately. Following commands from His Word rather than suggestions from humans always work better. Changing our country starts with each individual, not groups of people. There are obviously many other verses in the Bible than the ones mentioned above, but any red letter edition easily shows the words of Jesus. None makes the point better than Luke 12:31 that says "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you." As previously mentioned, repentance is the first step. The second step follows automatically for the repentant. Focusing on God and His purposes will create obedience and sharing of the Good News. As we share with those that he placed in our sphere of influence, the correction in the country occurs as exponentially fast as the disaster. If you've read all of this, the baton is being handed to you. Change your country by starting with yourself and the wisdom of liberalism and change. I'm with you all the way, and so is He. /
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