The definition of hijacking is to steal, rob, commandeer, or extort, usually in reference to a vehicle. Although you should keep your car doors locked when you drive, this is not about vehicle safety. It is about the hijacking of ideas, beliefs, religions, and morality. As I've listened to all the campaign ads over the previous weeks, during this election cycle, it is no longer the Republicans claiming they are the party to reduce taxes. Many Democrats in this years race are making the same claim and noting that Republicans in "power" in Congress have spent too much. In other words, they hijacked the concept. Another recent example came when John Kerry, the senator from Massachusetts, tried to say disparaging things about President Bush but instead it sounded like disparaging things about the troops (see picture above). Republicans were able to hijack the "issue" and move pressure from President Bush on Iraq to Democrats support
of the troops.
You (and I) should not hijack anything. A more difficult task is not being hijacked or falling for those that have hijacked others. The most recognizable campaign against diseases that affect women is the campaign against breast cancer. Without taking anything away from that admirable work, it surprises many women that breast cancer is NOT the leading cause of
death or the leading disease, or even the leading cancer that affects women. Being a Christian means following Christ, accepting him as your savior and being obedient to his commands and teaching. He said we are to love not only God with all our might, but also others as ourselves. While the Bible is full of instruction for how Christians live their lives, the priority is clearly our relationship with God. I can't find where it suggests our time is best spent educating non-Christians on which sin is most reviled. Many denominations have been hijacked by those claiming God is love, therefore everything is acceptable. That is heresy. Other more evangelical groups have been hijacked by those that condemn a specific list of sins among the unsaved, as if God isn't capable of convicting people of their situation. God's view of morality for his people hasn't changed since the beginning of time, only our view of what God tolerates. Our modern culture has hijacked some key issues that we should all be aware of.
In my lifetime our culture has moved from a society where it was possible to take a person at their word, and journalism was taught as a presentation of facts, to one where we are each responsible for determining what is true. Mass media is full of distortions or outright lies that allow the unaware to be hijacked and react passionately to claims that may or may not be true.
I read varied sources to try and maintain a balanced view, but even when there is time and all references are verified, it's likely the truth is not present.
Without a source for truth, any version will do. I choose the Bible and the principles and precepts presented there as a basis of comparison. This may seem strange to some, but counterfeits are more easy to spot when compared to the original. Take time to learn so your perceptions, beliefs, viewpoints, and morality won't he hijacked by the "culture" around you.
of the troops.
You (and I) should not hijack anything. A more difficult task is not being hijacked or falling for those that have hijacked others. The most recognizable campaign against diseases that affect women is the campaign against breast cancer. Without taking anything away from that admirable work, it surprises many women that breast cancer is NOT the leading cause of
death or the leading disease, or even the leading cancer that affects women. Being a Christian means following Christ, accepting him as your savior and being obedient to his commands and teaching. He said we are to love not only God with all our might, but also others as ourselves. While the Bible is full of instruction for how Christians live their lives, the priority is clearly our relationship with God. I can't find where it suggests our time is best spent educating non-Christians on which sin is most reviled. Many denominations have been hijacked by those claiming God is love, therefore everything is acceptable. That is heresy. Other more evangelical groups have been hijacked by those that condemn a specific list of sins among the unsaved, as if God isn't capable of convicting people of their situation. God's view of morality for his people hasn't changed since the beginning of time, only our view of what God tolerates. Our modern culture has hijacked some key issues that we should all be aware of.
In my lifetime our culture has moved from a society where it was possible to take a person at their word, and journalism was taught as a presentation of facts, to one where we are each responsible for determining what is true. Mass media is full of distortions or outright lies that allow the unaware to be hijacked and react passionately to claims that may or may not be true.
I read varied sources to try and maintain a balanced view, but even when there is time and all references are verified, it's likely the truth is not present.
Without a source for truth, any version will do. I choose the Bible and the principles and precepts presented there as a basis of comparison. This may seem strange to some, but counterfeits are more easy to spot when compared to the original. Take time to learn so your perceptions, beliefs, viewpoints, and morality won't he hijacked by the "culture" around you.
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