We are a foolish people. Like sponges, we absorb what's around us from the time we spent in a womb. Everyone agrees little children absorb what they're exposed to, and most competent parents control those circumstances and atmosphere to protect the child. Our society even dictates compulsory education (and at younger and younger ages) so the vast amount of known information can be taught to each of us. It's also a truth that we move toward what we think about. Motivation experts teach focusing on your dream and activating your achievement plan by visualizing the end result coming out the way you dream. You absorb the thoughts, actions, and activities until you "own them". We absorb what we are exposed to.
We are a foolish people. The lie that is foisted on us is this: as you mature, you are able to discern what parts of your exposure will be absorbed. Movies and video games even have a rating system (allegedly to help parents) that indicates which subject matters would be appropriate for select age groups. Laws are passed to prevent purchasing cigarettes before 18 and alcohol before 21. Politicians, and even the courts, insist that you have the freedom to do everything except what they pass laws to disallow. Apparently the government knows which activities will be bad for you (and others), and which you can safely absorb without it changing you. The rest they leave up to you to decide.
We are a foolish people. We absorb what we are exposed to for our entire life. IT CHANGES US. The media knows that repeating anything over and over will make it "true", a lesson taught by many including Hitler. Satan knows that exposure to anything bad to you will result in you absorbing it. Why would we purposely expose ourselves to things that will harm us, harm our families, and harm others? Because we've convinced ourselves that we are old enough, strong enough, and wise enough to control what that exposure does.
We are a foolish people. Lifestyles encouraged or dictated by all major religions address it. Evangelical Christians are known for taking a stand against activities that end in our harm. Sadly, this biblical worldview is trumped by our sinful culture and liberty focused society, so that most Christians and especially youthful Christians believe they can be exposed to sin and they won't absorb the effects. Huge parts of each life is spent learning the painful lesson that we are to be disciplined in what we expose our minds to, and in some cases it is never learned. We are a foolish people.
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