Perhaps because I'm aging or perhaps because I've now voted for a presidential candidate that was younger than I, or maybe for the divine reason of explaining it with this blog, I've become interested in numerology, specifically Biblical numerology. In a strange way I don't fully understand, mathematics and music is intertwined. Music seems creative and mathematics seems logical, but experts in both recognize the linkage. The dictionary definition says that numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human fate. Occult has a negative connotation in modern life that doesn't match it's true meaning. It means a study of supernatural spiritual realities that are difficult to see. There are however many twisted views that you must avoid. Unless it comes from the source God chose to reveal himself, God's Word, it is a danger to consider it. The Bible includes a book with the title of "Numbers", but I believe there is a link to the supernatural that is more than Israelite census figures. Numerals contain symbolic meanings that add dimensions to understanding God's revealed message, but do NOT try to make numerology fit everything. Before we start, let me repeat the warning: DO NOT try and force this where it isn't to be applied, just consider it another perspective on what is written. I heard Dr. Adrian Rogers, former President of the Southern Baptist Convention who is now deceased, speak on this once and that started my research. My understanding of this subject is similar to looking through a slightly opaque glass. You can't be positive of the detail but you know something is there.
One means primacy; unity, as in One God and One Church, or God the Father. Two means confirmation; marriage; strength, as in a witness, or Jesus the 2nd person of the Trinity. Three is the divine number, the simplest unity as the Trinity is three in one, so the connotation of the Godhead with the Holy Spirit, heaven and love is understandable. Four means the world, or the number for the earth with 4 seasons, 4 directions, and 4 world empires. Five is the number for Man: complete: 5 senses. Six is number of evil: failure, falls short of perfection by one. Seven is the number of perfection; fulfillment, representing the earth crowned with heaven (7 days). Eight is for new beginnings. Nine represents finality or attainment. Ten is five doubled or human completeness, 11 is sin and twelve (3x4) is God's perfect manifestation of himself to the created order: authority; government. Multiples are interesting as well with 40 being testing and trial (4 x 10) and multiples of seven meaning perfection in time, while seven divided is evil. It's quite a bit to think about. 77 is maturation to it's greatest potential. Addition is as important as multiplication to this subject.
The Bible has many specific passages that refers to numerals in the original text, as chapter and verse numbers were added later to enhance studying. I've seen some writings that used the chapter and verse numbers to make a point and that is probably not correct. The book of Daniel is a prophetic book that uses these numerical references. Perfection (7) without God (1) is evil (6). There are 7 notes on a musical scale (and you were wondering how I'd bring music back to this). The Bible says the Anti-Christ will have a number of 666, showing evil(6) a divine (3) number of times. Revelations 1:4, 2:10, 7:1 and 21:12 explain some of the numerals, with Deuteronomy 6:4, Ecclesiastes 4:9&12, and Leviticus 14:14 providing other examples of what's being presented. The more important part to consider is the interworking of the mathematics. Three, the number of God, times 4, the number of earth makes 12, a number of authority on earth. Six, the number of evil, when doubled also makes 12, setting up a conflict of authority. A prime number is one that can only be divided by 1 or itself. All prime numbers are odd numerals (2,3,5,7,11,13...) except for #2. The only even number among all those prime numbers, representing an exception to the norm, is the one that is used as Jesus. If the Father represents #1, then he can divide all numbers (and what they represent). When Man (#5) tries to be his own god (#1) the result is evil (5 plus 1=6). When he adds Jesus (#2) to himself he finds the provided perfection (5 plus 2=7) and the addition of the divine number (#3) and Man (#5) results in a new beginning (5 plus 3=8).
The 8 (new beginning) people on the ark and the 40 (trial) days of rain in the story of Noah have new meaning with the addition of biblical numerology. When the ark rested on Ararat in the 7th month on the 17th day is there a special victory meaning? 13 is the number for rebellion, 14 for deliverance, 15 for rest, 16 for love, 17 for victory, 18 for bondage, 19 for faith, and 20 is redemption. A subset of alphabetics is a discipline called gematria. It assigns numerical value to letters, largely because Greek and Hebrew languages had no numbers. The sum of the letter values in words create total numbers. I should point out that there are no hidden codes, nor end times prophesies likely to show up in this study. Controversies like the DaVinci Code book and movie alarmed many Christians due to the false conclusions it arrived at. My interest is understanding more about God's Word, not contesting what it says. I've read that mathematicians revere the number six because it is the first perfect number (in our fallen world). Ivan Panin was a Russian mathematician who immigrated to the United States and around 1890 made news as an agnostic who converted to Christianity by applying gematria to the Greek text in the New Testament. JESUS in Greek adds up to 888, CURSE adds up to 66 and other intriguing words and phrases clicked for Ivan. He became a leader in the previously referred to gematria discipline. I'm hopeful at this point that your interest has been piqued enough for you to research this subject even more. Should you do so, I strongly caution you to recognize the dangers in non-Biblical conclusions.
Let's try some easy math without the use of Greek or Hebrew words: 6(evil) plus 5(man) equals 11 (sin). Is it possible that all these numbers apply to our lives? As we prepare to move to Pensacola to start a new job in a new city, does 2008, the 8th year of the new century, apply to my family as a new beginning? Does my new age of 54 add up to 9 and represent the attainment of my recent promotion? Does the address of the new office, 25 Cedar, add up to the perfect number of 7, with the zip code of 32502 meaning authority? Perhaps the address of our new home that God pointed us to first, and after looking everywhere else we agreed, 10725 Crosscut, adds up to rest (15), which mysteriously is the same total as our current address at 21336 Marsh Hawk? Of course, these could all be coincidences and please remember the warning I gave you at the start. DO NOT try and force this where it isn't to be applied. False conclusions can do far more harm than good. It is intriguing however, to consider the possibility that beyond our perception God has numerically written a version of our life that is really a musical score that we're not aware of. To complete my MBA I had to take a course in statistics, that turned out to be a study of mathematics far beyond the finite math courses I took earlier. In my childhood I took years of piano lessons, and some organ lessons. Perhaps this gives me just enough knowledge to be dangerous. In all my teaching I attempt to leave enough unknown to inspire students to research more for themselves. In this subject, my personal research is just beginning so the gaps of my unknown are still huge and my many cautions warranted. This is written to you on March 1st, 2008. Third month (the divine number), first day (unity) in the eighth year (new beginning). I ask that you take it from here, for your life and perhaps the music of your soul.