In the book of Titus, the Apostle Paul teaches in Chapter 2: "In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us". In another part of the chapter he states "You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love, and in endurance......similarly encourage the young men to be self-controlled." Living a self-controlled, upright and godly life, while teaching and challenging with encouragement and love is more consistent with my view of having integrity.
It's been my experience that living by that definition has not been as hard as is might seem, for the small number of minutes each day it is accomplished in me. The harder part is the consistency of having integrity at all times, in all circumstances, with all relationships, day after day, year after year. The word comes from the Latin "integritas" meaning completeness (whole, as the math term integer). God has to empower us to practice integrity in our dealings with others because our human selfishness will rise up and influence our perspective of all things. Our culture that focuses on possessions and lifestyle adds an element of difficulty to having integrity in many areas of our lives. Christian and church culture focuses more on avoiding negative behaviors than demonstrating positive ones.
Even the definitions of the word honest begin with two NOTS before moving to HAVES; 1) NOT given to lying, cheating, stealing, or taking unfair advantage 2) NOT characterized by deception or fraud 3) HAVE equity and fairness 4) HAVE or manifest integrity and truth. Integrity certainly includes avoiding the negatives, but it also must include having the positives manifested by loving others. In a general sense men are more concerned about being respected and women more focused on being loved. While work is required to be worthy of respect, no work is required to be worthy of being loved. The same can't be said for loving. Both respecting and loving requires hard work and continually avoiding selfishness. My suggestion is to start each day with prayer and ask for the empowerment that God offers to have integrity for the day.
Reputations come from past actions that are known by people. A reputable person or business gained that estimate of trustworthiness from previously being honorable and upright. A reputation for integrity is highly desirable and only possible with a consistent life that begins now. Regardless of the level of integrity shown in the past, the present is what matters since it is the start of the future. It allows you to start over if you messed up, or it allows you to continue a life-long reputation that is only valid if it continues. My request is that you take a moment to reflect on relationships, circumstances, and the various roles you have in your life today and determine your future reputation for integrity. At some point my life will end and my goal is to be referred to as a caring but tough MAN OF INTEGRITY. How about you?
I fought writing about this subject with the Christmas season upon us and so many things to write about Christmas, but continue to believe this piece on integrity is what is needed. YouTube does have a great song out called "Christmas with a capital C" that I encourage you to investigate. In many facets that fast changing world of technology requires more integrity of each of us due to the enhanced ability to fool people with slick digital media manipulation. Be careful out there.