An old hymn says "Count your blessings, name them one by one". Many disciplines suggest meditation as a strategy to reduce stress. This blog in the archives for August 2005 suggested that the best prediction of the future is the past. Especially with the higher and faster expectations of everyone, it is wise to take time to reflect on the past. It can be an annual weekend away, an afternoon each month, or a hour a week, but please take time to look back on what is happening in and around you. Our perspective, that comes from what we think about, is refreshed and made more realistic by reviewing our successes, learning lessons from our failures, and just considering events in general.
I disagree strongly with those that say "never look back". History will repeat itself if nothing is done, so all bad things that have happened in history will occur again unless action is taken. Each generation must be taught the truth about events of previous generations, as well. All good things can continue to occur if we are smart enough to follow the success tracks from previous situations or events. This is true in personal life as well as world events. We are to learn from our previous experiences and hopefully from the experiences of others, as well. Reflect on what should habitually continue as well as what should be changed or avoided.
Milestones are special times reflection is crucial. When you get married, when a child is born, Christmas, Easter, and your birthday are all examples of annual milestones that provide opportunities to reflect on where you've been and where you're going. Certain milestones, such as birthdays when you turn 21,30, 50, or 65 are often a time to consider longer term plans or a higher calling from God. Psalms 119 :104 says it this way: "I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path". It may also be a time to think of others. Proverbs 11:25 says "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed".
It seems to me in my reflection that the more obedient I am to the commands of God, the better life gets. The purpose in being obedient is not for a better life, as that is not guaranteed, but the result has been for me. Finances have improved exponentially since we started tithing 18 years ago, as an example. Housing has done the same, when we moved across the country, each time to a city where we didn't know anyone but into a larger house. I recall when I turned 30 that with 2 children, employment at a 100% commission job and no income, no steady involvement in church or time with God, thinking the path I was on was a wrong path. With that reflection I determined to made changes to find the right path. I recall when I turned 50 that with 3 grown (or nearly grown) children, steady employment with previous promotions, an opportunity to take the spiritual passion God gave me to a new church in a new state (that we joined on my 50th birthday) that I was on the right path. With that reflection, I determined to charge forward on that right path.
Some of the highlights since I turned 50 are chronicled in previous months of this blog, but others and newer ones are listed below. On September 11th, 2005 my only son sang "I Can Only Imagine" at our church with a video backup he prepared showing scenes of terrorism in 2001 and Katrina flood victims from the first week of September 2005 and was a proud moment for me. On March 25th, 2006 I gave away my first daughter in marriage at that same church to her love, another proud moment for me. In April of 2006 I was able to take my wife to Costa Rica and show her land that we'd been able to purchase with an eye to several future possibilities, and in June to New York and the northeast states that completed my quest to visit all 50 states. I was able to attend the wedding of my son who found his soul mate, in June of 2006 as well. I was privileged to lead prayers in several churches for hundreds of people, and speak to groups of 15 to 50 people on numerous occasions in 2006, 22 years after joining Toastmasters to try to learn to overcome my fear of speaking in public. Although I've been in the convenience store industry for over 20 years, I'd never been quoted in an industry publication until August of 2006 when 3 different magazines quoted me in articles, and an on-line daily newsletter ran a video interview with me as their feature of the week. Although I serve as the Vice-President of our HOA, and Vice-Chairman of our Deacon Fellowship, my 2006 time focus has been working with my youngest daughter to establish a "bridge" ministry at our church for transitioning youth through college and career to adults. As the last one left at home she's a focus, but the plan for The Bridge is to build it for years beyond her probable inclusion. Wow, it's been an incredible year after a couple of great years.
Reflection should either challenge and convict you, or refresh and embolden you (or maybe some of each). Take time to reflect and count your blessings, make adjustments if needed in the direction you're headed, and track the progress. Writing this has given me a renewed perspective on how truly blessed I am. Interestingly in both the Sunday School class I teach and in the Pastor's sermon today, the subject of taking time to reflect on God's word came up. As the Bible is the source of all truth, it seem reasonable that we'd want to match up our life and God's word. How about you?