The combination of the quotients, along with a measurement of our physical condition (we'll call PQ) provides for a measure of balance. This is because all the other aspects of life such as family, business, church, financial, friendship, leadership, romance, fame, "success", and even happiness are a result of the 4 key areas that balance must be maintained. The physiological affects the psychological. Achievement involves one or more of the 4 key areas, but balance is achievement in all areas simultaneously. You probably know of people who are considered great achievers in one aspect, but live miserable lives due to deprivation in other aspects. Financial "success" without hope has no lasting value. Working to be the best at anything is useless without balance.
Character based life enriching principles allow a successful balanced life, and can be found in the best selling book of all time. The Bible was written and compiled by men, but those words and inclusions were divinely inspired by God. The creator of each of us is the logical source for an owners manual that covers all aspects and areas of life. Our culture today, as cultures in previous time, attempts to focus us on some areas, but not all. If we fall for this diversion we live our lives without purpose and joy, always searching for more. With the same 24 hours each day available to all, life becomes a choice of how each day is spent. We are all free to make the choices that will determine our destiny, both in this life and eternity. A prioritization plan that include all 4 areas (IQ, EQ, SQ, PQ) is helpful.
As we all have the same 168 hours to spend each week, we start out with the same amount of time, but choose to spend it differently. It's probable that your best score from the IQ, EQ, SQ, and PQ measurements is something you've previously focused on. An action plan to reduce effort in one area should free up time to focus on the low score(s). Activities are not always bad, just not the best for you at a specific time. I encourage you to give this idea a try. Let's say my IQ is 110 and I want to improve it. Try reading. If my EQ is 90. Try some B vitamins and a class to de-stress what's causing emotional outbursts. My SQ might be 105, but the Bible says without works faith is dead. Volunteer some at a church. PQ is at 85 due to being overweight like 90% of Americans? Diet and exercise is the ticket. The numbers are made up, but you already know which areas in your life need work.
Getting started is the first step. Write down your plan and a timeline you think you can achieve the improvement in a balanced life. Reward yourself as you progress. Tell someone you trust about this and be persistent. As I age it becomes easier except for the PQ. I'm striving to get all my scores over 135 at the same time. How about you?